Breakthrough to Nursing Committee

CNSA Bylaws - Article XI., Section 4. Functions

Committees shall review existing committee policies and submit any revised policies and procedures annually to the Board of Directors.

The Breakthrough to Nursing committee shall:

  1. Prepare and distribute information regarding the Breakthrough To Nursing Recruitment Project Award and determine annual winners.
  2. Assist in nursing outreach efforts within the community to increase the number of minorities interested in the profession of nursing and promote a positive image of nursing.
  3. Assist with the creation and retention of local level Breakthrough To Nursing committees within California.
  4. Maintain a database of non-monetary resources for the Breakthrough to Nursing Chapter directors to utilize.

Committee Resources

Men in Nursing Presentation 

Minorities in Nursing Presentation 

Choose Nursing 

Certified Nursing Assistant Scholarship

Study Guide NCLEX 

Women In STEM 

Guidebook to Nursing School

Resources for Nursing Students


Committee Director

Lizbet Soto (Breakthrough to Nursing Director 2017-2018)

Committee Members

(Contact Lizbet Soto to join this committee)

How to Join Committee

Submit your name, school name, graduation date, and CNSA/NSNA membership number to [email protected]

Time Commitment

Approximately 8-12 hours per month coordinating different projects,   depending on the numbers of committee members.