Cultural Awareness Committee

CNSA Bylaws- Article XI., Section 4. Functions

Committees shall review existing committee policies and submit any revised policies and procedures annually to the Board of Directors.

The Committee on Cultural Awareness shall:

  1. Advocate the need for increased culturally competent nursing practice into nursing education curriculum throughout the state.
  2. Work with CNSA Board of Directors and local chapters to increase education in culturally sensitive nursing practice and integrate culturally sensitive awareness into all activities.
  3. Inform CNSA membership regarding culturally sensitive nursing care, as well as current issues and events through various means such as: writing articles for issues of Range of Motion, and updating the “Committee of Cultural Awareness” page on the CNSA website.

Cultural Awareness Resources

Basic Spanish for Nurses

Culturally Healthy Meals for Hispanic Population

Basic Armenian to English for Nurses

Typical Ingredients for Armenian Cuisine

Basic Tagalog for Nurses (Philippines/Filipino)

Culturally Healthy Meals for Filipino Population

Committee Director

 Luana Liberman Gobbi (Cultural Awareness Chair 2017-2018)

Committee Members

Annika Daphne Bilog
Dee Dee Micare
Adriana Lopez
Janet Fermin
Linda Ly
Anthony Huerta

How to Join Committee

Submit your name, school name, anticipated date of graduation, and CNSA/NSNA membership number to [email protected].

Time Commitment

7-8 hours per month working with other committee members, coordinating different projects with local chapter and monitoring social media. Hours of commitment are dependent on the number of committee members.